Another installment of TNA's popular summertime comedy one-act event featured all-original works written by members and friends of the TNA community. One-acts included The Hunt, Doc Brown's Folly, Anti-Climactic and The Lineup.
May 25th - June 30th, 2007
St. Nick's Pub Theatre, West Hollywood, CA
The One-Acts
"The Hunt" written by Chris Roach & Matt Swanson and directed by Leigh Goodoff
"Doc Browns Folly" written by Scott Rognlien and directed by Annie Terry
"Anti-Climactic" written by Owen Hammer and directed by Maia Peters
"The Line-Up" written by Matt Taylor and directed by Eric Normington
The Cast
Jacques Freydont, Kristina Hayes, Eric Normington, Scott Rognlien, Matt Taylor, Andrew Wollman